#35: Home is in your head
A song I’m obsessed with, four new albums, 2025 playlist updates

Before I get into anything else, I need to talk about the song I can’t stop listening to: “Captigon” by Sa Pa (Bandcamp, Soundcloud). There are headphones songs, and there are songs that when you listen to them on headphones reveal aspects that eluded you over speakers, and then there are songs—like this one—that plunge so deeply into your head that you involuntarily meditate for eight minutes and come out the other side altered for the better. So I can’t stop listening to it because it’s improving me from the inside out, I’m sure of it. Eight minutes of this every hour and I’m good.
The track is the first from Matthew Kent’s new label, Short Span (which so far is very on brand), and a preview of the rest of the forthcoming Sa Pa EP is now streaming.

Noémi Büchi, Liquid Bones
More in time warps here, with this EP that manages to cover the landscape of most LPs, but in just 20 minutes. Perfect electronic symphonies, tiny yet large, an audio equivalent to tilt-shift photography. / Bandcamp, Bleep, Boomkat

Damon Locks, List of Demands
What a rare, synaptically exhilarating treasure this is, a blend of poetry atop samples from every imaginable corner of recorded content—I’d attempt some sort of list but just trust me on how broad the palette is here. / Bandcamp, Bleep, Boomkat

Leo, Dissipating Heavily
Ethereal, broken beats and a particularly wonderful sort of reinvented drum and bass—and that’s not doing any of it justice. A new kind of club music for people who hate going to clubs. / Bandcamp, Boomkat

Daniella Ljungsberg, Do I Care
A year to the day after releasing her debut, I Do Care, Daniella Ljungsberg offers up a reimagining of that album. (The original was wonderful, and this extends that wonder even further.) It started as a way to adapt that work for live performance, and instead became an experiment in transforming those songs into something new and—to my ears, anyway—equally impossible to perform live. There’s always next year! / Bandcamp, Bleep, Boomkat
2025, the songs
The playlists for the year (Spotify, Apple Music) keep growing, with a bunch of tracks added today: among them a pair of songs from Saapato's upcoming album of songs that have been “decomposed” by a murderer’s row of ambient producers, a new track from BIG|BRAVE, and a brilliant krautrock expedition from Shit and Shine.